04/12/2023 / By Ethan Huff
In a sudden and unexpected about-face, the World Health Organization (WHO) has slammed communist China over its lack of transparency concerning the origin of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).
Calling this lack of transparency “simply inexcusable,” the WHO has publicly stated its disappointment with Beijing-affiliated researchers who, after three long years of this nightmare, have only just now shared crucial samples that were collected from inside Wuhan’s “ground zero,” which refers to the bio-laboratory where many now believe the Fauci Flu originated.
A senior WHO official has said that this important data “should have been shared immediately.” Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, the WHO’s technical lead on covid, also stated that she believes communist China may be sitting on even more bombshell evidence that could solve the mystery behind the scamdemic.
Kerkhove believes that Beijing knows more about the high-risk experiments that took place at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which may have caused the “lab leak” that resulted in the Chinese Virus escaping and contaminating the world.
(Related: Why was the WHO involved with bioweapons research just prior to the unleashing of covid?)
According to communist China, its leaders have always told the full truth, and nothing but the truth, concerning the true origin of covid. However, if that is really true, why, then, is there suddenly new information showing that lies were told?
This is the issue that the WHO says is simply inexcusable: the continued lack of truthfulness from the Chinese regime concerning where covid came from and how it managed to become a global plandemic that last nearly three years.
For a long while, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its allies told us that covid came from bat soup at a wet market in Wuhan, even though there are no operating wet markets in Wuhan since they were banned many years ago.
When that explanation failed to stick, the regime turned to blaming the United States – which could be part of the story if U.S. special interests used the Wuhan lab as a proxy for the development and release of covid, much like the dozens of biolabs in Ukraine that are run by the Pentagon.
For years, independent researchers have been well aware that the official story surrounding covid makes no sense. The WHO, as of three weeks ago, seems to agree – but why did it take this long for the WHO to capitulate that the official story simply does not add up?
The latest excuse for covid is that it came from raccoon dogs sold at the very same wet markets that were not even in operation at the time when covid appeared out of nowhere. Do they really expect people to believe this?
“The lack of data disclosure is simply inexcusable,” stated Kerkhove in addressing the samples her agency was finally able to evaluate. “The longer it takes to understand the origins of the pandemic, the harder it becomes to answer the question, and the more unsafe the world becomes.”
“Every new piece of data could potentially move the world closer to stopping another pandemic – perhaps a worse one – in the future. The failure to share information only fuels politicization of origins tracing and keeps all hypotheses viable.”
In a first-person article she wrote for the prestigious journal Science, Kerkhove went on to describe China’s “advanced technical capabilities” that make it fully possible for the regime to have, at best, accidentally released covid from a lab where it was being tampered with prior to its release.
“… and I therefore believe that more data exist that have yet to be shared,” she wrote.
As the official story surrounding covid continues to unravel, we will keep you informed about the latest developments at Plague.info.
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Tagged Under:
awakening, big government, biological weapons, bioterrorism, biowar, CCP, Censored Science, China, conspiracy, COVID, covid origins, deception, infections, lies, outbreak, pandemic, Plague, spike protein, suppressed, WHO, World Health Organization
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