02/12/2020 / By Mike Adams
Literally overnight, China just clocked a 33% surge in coronavirus infections, adding over 15,000 new infections to yesterday’s previous total of around 45,000, bringing the new total to 60,329 (with 1,367 reported dead).
This sudden surge in reporting infection numbers just blew away all the pandemic denialists, naysayers and poo-pooers who have been absurdly claiming the pandemic is already over and that “China has it under control.”
Clearly China’s situation is completely out of control, and it’s widely believed by credible scientists and researchers that even these new, astonishing numbers are rigged by the Chinese government to substantially downplay the real severity of this outbreak.
In reality, everything China reports should be multiplied by about ten, so the very likely “real” numbers are probably a lot closer to 600,000 infected and at least 13,000 dead. But China will never report the real numbers, of course, so here’s a look at the “official” (rigged) numbers for today:
If you do the math, by the way, there are now over 520 coronavirus infections outside of China, completely blowing away any silly claim that this is just “a China thing.”
It’s amazing how quickly the propaganda has collapsed, both from China and the lying fake news media in the western world. Back in January, China first told us there was no pandemic at all (what, me worry?). Then, once the exploding infections could no longer be covered up, they slapped a draconian quarantine on Wuhan and told us the pandemic would be “contained at all costs” by February 8th. (The “we’ve got it all under control” chapter of this tragic comedy.)
Now that we’re already four days beyond Feb. 8th, the pandemic numbers are exploding like never before, surging in ways that are eviscerating all the prediction models which were concluding that a “worst case” by today would show just 48,000 infections.
I guess the worst case just got “worster.”
And nobody is yet modelling the “worster” case, because no one dared imagine this whole thing would not be contained.
Well, a correction: I did. And so did Alex Jones, and Francis Boyle, and the writers at Zero Hedge, and Mac Slavo and Dave Hodges, too. We all knew this had the makings of a global pandemic that couldn’t be stopped. So as it turns out, we were weeks ahead of the Wall Street Journal, New York Times and Washington Post at telling you what was coming.
Now, the denialists who once said this was “no worse than the flu” are having to quickly recalibrate. Perhaps they mean “no worse than the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918,” but even that may pale in comparison to what’s coming. That pandemic killed 50 million people, or roughly about 3% of the world population at the time. This current coronavirus pandemic may infect up to 60% of the world population, according to credible analysts, and with a mortality rate of anywhere from 2% to 17%, the number of potential deaths could easily reach hundreds of millions if the virus is not contained.
This is already on track to be far worse than the Spanish Flu. And if you want to know the party responsible for a big part of this cover-up, WHOs on first.
My big question concerns what will happen when the reality of the coronavirus pandemic collides with the delusion of the stock market bubble. With China’s factories all but shuttered, exports have plunged. Key components for consumer goods are no longer being manufactured, which means once the containers that are currently en route run out, the world’s supply chain is going to experience an unprecedented chaotic disruption that will inevitably lead to severe shortages of both finished goods and manufacturing parts, across numerous industries (including automotive, air transport, consumer electronics, textiles, industrial parts and more).
Amazingly, no one in the investment industry is yet factoring this obvious outcome into their analysis. Everyone is steaming ahead at full bore, pretending that the coronavirus-induced economic shutdown of China will somehow have zero impact on the rest of the world, even when half of everything, it seems, is manufactured there.
The whole world is about 4-5 weeks away from a very disturbing day of reckoning that will eventually result in a wave of bankruptcies sweeping across a vast array of industries on a global scale. At some point, people will come to realize what I’ve been warning about for years (and Trump has, too): You should never outsource all your manufacturing to some communist nation across the ocean, because the day will come that your entire supply line is cut off.
It turns out that “cheaper from China” has a very painful cost when those black swans arrive. And right now, the sky is swarming with black swans, and they’re dumping black swan doo all over the global expansion plans of the communists.
Listen to my podcast for more discussion on this very point:
Keep reading NaturalNews.com, offering arguably the most accurate analysis of the coronavirus pandemic in the world, alongside InfoWars, where I’m a regular analyst and guest.