08/09/2022 / By Ethan Huff
Recently, John Zogby Strategies conducted a survey revealing that upwards of 15 percent of all American adults who got “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) now suffer from at least one serious health condition.
Commissioned by Children’s Health Defense (CHD), the survey aimed to assess the attitudes and overall health of American adults, many of whom fell for the Operation Warp Speed scam and are now paying the price for it.
Of those who participated in the survey, 67 percent indicated that they received one or more doses of the injection while the remaining 33 percent just said no to experimental drugs from the government. Of the vaccinated group, six percent took just one dose; 28 percent took two doses; 21 percent received three doses; and the remaining 12 percent took four or more injections.
All in all, 15 percent of the fully jabbed group have since been diagnosed by a medical professional as having a new health condition that was not present pre-injection. These conditions appeared within weeks or even days post-injection. (Related: Is monkeypox a covid jab adverse event?)
“The fact that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports more than 232 million Americans ages 18-65 have taken at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, and 15% of those surveyed report a newly diagnosed condition is concerning and needs further study,” says Laura Bono, executive director of CHD.
“The mRNA vaccine technology is new and clinical trials naturally have no long-term data. CHD believes this survey points to the need for further study.”
The largest single demographic of people who participated in the survey, 32 percent, are Hispanic. Twenty-one percent are African-American, meanwhile, only seven percent are Caucasian.
The number of liberals to conservatives who participated clocks in at a ratio of about two-to-one, with a number of moderates also in the mix. Overall, the goal was to take a representative sampling of people both vaccinated and unvaccinated, as well as both for and against the shots – and even a few with a neutral stance.
A follow-up question that was asked following the initial survey called on respondents with diagnosed medical conditions to “select all that apply” from a list of common jab-associated health conditions. The top five mentioned include:
Amazingly, 67 percent of those who got injected, including those who are now sick and damaged because of it, still say it was a “good decision” that they do not regret. Only 10 percent of the jabbed say they regret their decision.
When asked if they know anyone else who is now injured post-injection, 26 percent of respondents said yes, the bulk of those being in the 18-29 age group, followed by the 30-49 age group.
The number-one condition cited was blood clots at 28 percent followed by stroke at 20 percent; autoimmune disease at 19 percent; lung clots at 16 percent; and heart attack at 15 percent.
All in all, when asked their level of trust in the government to handle future plandemics, 23 percent indicated that they now have more trust based on how covid was handled. Thirty-four percent, on the other hand, said their level of trust has decreased.
“The surveys included 1,038 American adults of all ages (MOE +/- 3.1) and 829 18-49-year-olds (MOE +/- 3.5) Both polls were fielded July 22-24, and data sets were pre-stratified and weighted to be representative of their respective populations. Error margins are higher for subgroups,” En-Volve.com reported.
The latest Fauci Flu-shot related news can be found at ChemicalViolence.com.
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Tagged Under:
adverse events, biological weapon, brainwashed, Censored Science, chemical violence, deception, pandemic, survey, vaccine, vaccine damage, vaccine injury
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